Space hulk deathwing xbox one amazon
Space hulk deathwing xbox one amazon

space hulk deathwing xbox one amazon

I beat all of PlayStation’s 2022 releases months ago, not including Stray. Now though, PlayStation doesn’t release enough that interests me or keeps me busy. PlayStation has been enough for me since I sold my 360 and bought a PS3. I don’t like all that crap I mentioned, but, it is what it is. That all sounds very negative but I’m in pretty good spirits. I dread to see the state of gaming by 2032. I don’t like that PlayStation is starting to focus on GaaS and micro transactions. I don’t like how the best talent is wasted on remakes/remasters. I don’t like that the PS5 is not their focus, it’s PC and PS4. I don’t like how Sony is silent with their customers. I dislike all the changes that are occurring with PlayStation. The people that focused on their hardcore fan base are gone. Tue 6th Sep I with you, but, you have to accept this isn’t the Sony that made the PlayStation super successful.

Space hulk deathwing xbox one amazon